3D cash tray

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Any of our Cash tray May be fit with the 3D lenticular print.
That kind of printing focus attention of the costumer four times more effective than ordinary printing.

3D lenticular printing is a specific technology for creation of prints that lets people watch a three-dimensional word or animation on a flat surface. Owing to the advances in technology and print production, the quality of a final product is really high. A special foil is used for its production as well as lenses from 35lpi to 150lpi (lines per inch). The foil is perfectly transparent so it does not absorb too much light, which makes the printouts clear and bright. Using our highly advanced software, we can create any graphical compositions. We can set the strength of spatial experience as well as set the distance of objects from their observer. The images that seem to be coming out of a surface.

There is 4 different effect of 3D lenticular printing. Animation – its up to 24 different pictures – set like frames in the movie. By observing printing form the distance you have an impression of movement of the object on the printing.